I got my first bike when I was a mere 18 years old. The bike had a beefed up engine, a custom dual chrome exhaust and was a 1977 Honda 550 Four. I was not the only rider in our family; my brother had just bought a brand new Yamaha. From the very beginning I could not make up my mind whether I should choose an open helmet with a pair of riding glasses or to opt for the full face shield. The helmet my brother had came with a full face shield while my helmet only had a half one.
I had the choice of going for a new helmet without any shield and a pair of riding glasses or a helmet with a full shield. I haggled back and forth trying to make up my mind. I really didn’t want to stick with a half shield I had because I figured they were for old people.
But I didn’t really have the money to pay for a brand new helmet because in those days they could easily set you back a couple of hundred dollars if you wanted a good one. But then my brother did something that made the choice easy.
He had bought a full front fairing when he was riding from Fort Hood, Texas to New York where we live. Luckily for me he decided to get rid of it after being home for a couple of months. So he decided to give it to me. I know it was not particularly manly but it was mine and I loved it!
Not only did I stay warmer when the temperature began to drop, but it solved my dilemma. The great thing about my fairing was that it did not interfere with the wind in my hair feeling but it was high enough to stop the issue with bugs.
All I had to do then was buy a pair of riding glasses to go with the helmet I already had after I removed the half shield. And 28 years later, I still have the very same riding glasses! Can you imagine that from a pair of riding glasses?